
Monday 16 October 2017

Getting Ready For Your Nose Surgery

For most people, the nose is the most prominent feature on the face. As such, if you are unhappy with any portion of this feature, you probably suffer from diminished confidence as well. Fortunately, nose surgery can be performed to streamline and sculpt the tip, bridge and nostrils for a more seamless and beautiful appearance overall. If you have opted to undergo one of these elective procedures, you can use the tips that follow to start getting ready for your treatment.

You always want to choose a surgeon that you can communicate with easily. It is important that you have the ability to clearly express your treatment goals. This is the only way that your provider can establish a surgical plan that actually reflects your wants and needs.

In addition to clearly outlining your goals for this treatment, you also have to establish realistic expectations. This is definitely something that your provider can assist you with. One large part of these efforts is learning more about the expected healing time and the challenges that are commonly associated with the healing process.

Having realistic expectations is especially important for those who will be undergoing revision rhinoplasty. With revision treatments, there are a number of unexpected complications that a provider might fact. Moreover, these treatments can only be revised so many times before the integrity of the underlying bony structure becomes severely compromised.

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Another important step to take is to make sure that you're in good general health. In fact, this is actually vital for ensuring that you're actually a good candidate for this type of treatment. If you have any chronic health conditions, think about working with a reputable doctor to get these under control. Problems like diabetes and hypertension can disqualify you as a candidate if you are not effectively managing these illnesses with the proper medication and the proper medical supervision. You should also report any medications that you are currently using to your surgeon as some may affect your bleeding and clotting abilities in a negative way.

You might need to secure outside help from a family member or friend who can assist you during the first few days of the recovery process. At this time, you will probably be taking a significant amount of pain medication. As such, you may need help with basic activities such as bathing, dressing and meal preparation among other things.

People who have small children or pets that they provide care should get help with these responsibilities as well. Outsourcing these duties during the formative stages of your recovery efforts is essential for ensuring that everyone is properly tended to. This will also give you less stress and a much greater ability to focus on getting well.

Make sure that you follow the aftercare instructions of your doctor carefully. Even a perfectly performed surgery can have less than desirable results if people are not diligent in their efforts to protect their noses while healing. This includes wearing your splint and any gauze that has been placed in the amended structured for the recommended amount of time. Removing either of these things too early could cause the recently completed, surgical changes to fail.

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