
Tuesday 20 June 2017

What To Expect When Undergoing Facelift Surgery

There are currently a number of non-invasive cosmetic procedures that people can undergo to radically enhance their appearances and turn back the proverbial hands of time. Unfortunately, however, many of these solutions are only temporary. If you want permanent to semi-permanent results, you will have to get a facelift surgery. This procedure involves cutting, tissue removal, and extended recovery times. Following is everything that you can expect when planning for one of these treatments.

With these procedures, you will have to undergo a comprehensive consultation appointment. This will give you the chance to meet your medical team, talk with your surgeon and discuss your personal, cosmetic goals. Your provider will assess the location, type and nature of your aesthetic concerns.

He or she will then prepare a plan for addressing them. In some instances, more than one procedure might be required. For instance, a face lift can be used to eliminate loose, sagging skin across the visage that makes you appear older than you actually are. Preparing this with rhinoplasty, blepharoplasty or other procedures, will allow for a much more expansive, and needs-specific range of changes.

Before schedule your surgery, your provider will want to know whether or not you are a good candidate. This will involve an in-depth medical examination and a diligent review of your health history. People who currently have chronic healthy issues that are not being properly managed by medical doctors may not qualify for treatment. These include hypertension, diabetes, obesity and other ongoing problems that might complicate treatment and increase the risk of serious, secondary issues.

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Bleeding and clotting disorders can also disqualify a person from surgery. Many smokers are additionally advised to enter smoking cessation plans before undergoing these procedures. Smoking restricts blood flow and can both complicate and slow normal recovery times. In addition to being in good general health overall, qualified candidates also have very realistic expectations concerning their overall surgical outcomes. They understand that the ultimate results of these treatments will not be apparent until healing is complete and all of the related bruising and swelling have abated.

Take the time to discuss any medications that you're taking with your provider. This includes over the counter medications. Certain store-bought drugs known as NSAIDs or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can thin the blood and make it difficult for the blood to clot. These include aspirin and Ibuprofen among many others. These medications and other may need to be discontinued for several weeks ahead of treatment.

Make sure that you have a trusted friend or family member on hand to help you through the first several days of your recovery. If you are responsible for caring for small children or small pets, make sure to have someone who can take over these duties as well. You will need to spend the formative stages of the recovery process resting and relaxing as much as possible.

Your treatment should be short and simple. After giving you general anesthesia, your provider will make one or more small, discrete incisions at the top of the face. Excess skin and fat will be trimmed away, and the overall visage will be lightly pulled and tightened before the incisions are sutured close. Performed as an in-office treatment, facelift surgeries usually allow patients to return on home on the day of their procedures.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there. Great post! Cosmetic surgery of the face or facelift surgery is a useful way of correcting all the aging features that appear on the face, thus restoring a more youthful appearance with uplifted contours and improved facial tone. Effects of facelift surgery last for about 7-10 years.

    facelift reconstruction
